30 April 2021 European Commission launches public consultation on Union Customs Code The European Commission (the Commission) has launched a public consultation to gather views on the implementation of the Union Customs Code (the UCC), the main European Union (EU) legislative framework for customs operations. The period of consultation closes on 19 July 2021. The consultation process is intended to gather the views and experiences of businesses, individuals, customs authorities, academics, and other stakeholders who apply and/or implement the UCC. The Commission would like to know whether, in the opinion of contributors, the customs rules and customs electronic systems deployed until the end of 2020 have achieved predictable, streamlined and simplified customs processes and a paperless environment; also whether the UCC is sufficiently flexible to face crises such as COVID-19 and/or for new business models such as e-commerce. The views gathered will be used to inform the conclusions of the interim evaluation of the UCC that the Commission committed to carrying out in a 2018 report to the European Parliament and to the Council. The evaluation will support decisions on whether the UCC should be improved and in what ways.
Document ID: 2021-0882 |