17 February 2022

Uruguay's Executive Branch increases income limit to apply for simplified personal income tax regime

The income limit for the simplified personal income tax regime was increased from UYU 43,200 (approximately USD 960) per month to UYU 45,800 (approximately USD 1,020) per month for the 2022 tax year.

Uruguay's Executive Branch has increased (Decree No. 50/022) the income limit for taxpayers to qualify for the simplified personal income tax regime for the 2022 tax year.

Under the decree, taxpayers with a salary of up to UYU 45,800 (approximately USD 1,020) per month and UYU 549,600 yearly (approximately USD 12,210) may apply for the simplified personal income tax regime. To be eligible for the regime, the taxpayer cannot be an independent contractor. The salary must be earned as part of an employer/employee relationship.

Additionally, the personal income tax cannot be assessed on the family unit.

Decree No. 50/022 was published in the Official Gazette on February 4, 2022.


Contact Information
For additional information concerning this Alert, please contact:
EY Uruguay
   • Martha Roca (martha.roca@uy.ey.com)
   • María Inés Eibe (ines.eibe@uy.ey.com)
Ernst & Young US, LLP, Latin American Business Center, New York
   • Lucas Moreno (lucas.moreno@lan.ey.com)
   • Ana Mingramm (ana.mingramm@ey.com)
   • Pablo Wejcman (pablo.wejcman@ey.com)
   • Enrique Perez Grovas (enrique.perezgrovas@ey.com)

Document ID: 2022-0287