01 April 2022

Senate Finance Committee hearing on behavioral health care when Americans need it | Ensuring parity and care integration

On March 30,the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing entitled, "Behavioral Health Care When Americans Need It: Ensuring Parity and Care Integration." During the hearing, lawmakers and witnesses discussed health insurer compliance with mental health parity laws and models to integrate behavioral and primary care. Lawmakers asked specific questions on ways to improve parity enforcement and remove barriers to integrated care models, while witnesses provided examples of successful models and policy solutions to improve parity enforcement, such as centralizing enforcement authority.

The hearing is one in a series the Senate Finance Committee plans to have as it works on bipartisan legislation to improve access to mental health care and substance use disorder treatment. As part of that effort, the Committee on March 29 released bipartisan report on mental health care, "Mental Health Care in the United States: The Case for Federal Action."

More information is available here.

Additional information is also available in the attached Tax Alert.


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For additional information concerning this Alert, please contact:
Washington Council Ernst & Young
   • Heather Meade (heather.meade@ey.com)
   • Heather Bell (heather.bell@ey.com)


Hearing on behavioral health care

Document ID: 2022-0521