09 November 2022

Paraguay publishes new immigration law

The Paraguayan government published a new immigration law ("the Law") on October 18 that introduces changes to the rules governing foreign nationals who seek to enter and/or establish residence in the country. The government is set to publish regulations within 180 days of the Law's publication, which will provide additional details regarding the changes under the Law. The Law introduces a new Transitory Stay Permit for foreigners who seek to enter and work in Paraguay for up to 90 days per calendar year but do not want to establish residence in the country. This permit is renewable once for up to 90 days. Transitory Stay Permit holders are prohibited from receiving payments from a Paraguayan source and they must remain on a non-Paraguayan payroll.

A Tax Alert prepared by EY's People Advisory Services group, and attached below, provides additional details.


Full text of Tax Alert

Document ID: 2022-1680