01 December 2022 Ethiopia introduces social welfare levy on imported goods
Ethiopia has introduced a Social Welfare Levy on Imported Goods under Regulation Number 519/2022, which came into effect on 6 August 2022 and was published in the Federal Negarit Gazette on 22 August 2022. The regulation was issued by the Council of Ministers in accordance with Article 4 of the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System Ratification Proclamation Number 67/1993. This regulation applies to imported goods. The additional revenue that will be collected has been earmarked for the rehabilitation and construction of education, training and medical facilities and the expansion of other social services. This is an interesting development following the Investment Incentive Regulation Number 517/2022, that sought to encourage investments by providing for the duty-free importation of capital goods for new investments. Taxes applicable to imported goods in Ethiopia include the import duty, withholding tax at a 3% fixed rate, excise tax if applicable, value-added tax at a fixed rate of 15%, and surtax at a fixed rate of 10%, except for goods exempted under applicable laws. The social welfare levy on imported goods regulation has expanded the range of taxes applicable to imported goods. The social welfare levy will be imposed on all goods imported into Ethiopia specified in the Customs Tariffs, with the exception of those outlined in Article 6 of the Regulation. This tax shall be levied at the rate of 3% on the aggregate of cost, insurance, and freight value. It is noteworthy that this tax will be in addition to other applicable taxes and custom duties. Additionally, the social welfare levy will not serve as a base for any other tax imposed on imported goods.
With respect to the calculation of the social welfare levy, its collection and criminal liability, the provisions of the Customs Proclamation Number 859/2014 (as amended) and its regulations shall apply. Importers should assess how the Regulation may impact their trading activities in Ethiopia. Moreover, they should ensure compliance with these new legal developments to mitigate possible penalties.
Document ID: 2022-1786 | |