06 December 2022 Uruguay updates conditions for employees to work remotely under Free Trade Zone regime - The National Directorate of Free Trade Zones (NDFTZ) has clarified formalities to be complied with under the remote work regime and postponed Decree 319/022's effectiveness.
The NDFTZ issued Resolution 92/022 which contains an amendment to the recent Resolution 77/022 providing: - A deadline for the monthly submission of the employees' remote work records, which cannot exceed 10 working days of the following month.
- A change from the weekly basis report to a monthly basis.
- Demands that the employees' remote work records be submitted in xls format or a similar editable format.
- Postponement of Decree 319/022's and Resolutions' effectiveness, that will enter into force from 5 January 2023.
Finally, it modifies the template where the employer must record the employees' remote work conditions: Free Trade Zone | Company Name (User) | User's Fiscal ID number (RUT) | | | | | | | Number | Employee's full name | Remote work address | Starting date | Finishing date | Remote Work Modality | Total working hours in the month | Total Remote work hours in the month | Month/ Year | Address according to the signed employment agreement | Department | Partial - Total- — Office Work |
The resolution, issued on 29 November 2022, has not been published yet on the official webpage and will become effective on 5 January 2023. ____________________________ For additional information with respect to this Alert, please contact the following: Ernst & Young LLP (United States), Latin American Business Center, New York Ernst & Young LLP (United Kingdom), Latin American Business Center, London Ernst & Young Tax Co., Latin American Business Center, Japan & Asia Pacific Document ID: 2022-1791 |