21 March 2023

USCIS announces mail delivery process for receiving ADIT (I-551) stamp

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced on March 16, that lawful permanent residents (LPRs) may receive temporary evidence of their LPR status in the form of an Alien Documentation, Identification, and Telecommunication (ADIT) stamp (also known as an I-551 stamp) by mail rather than scheduling an appointment at a local USCIS field office. When LPRs require such evidence, they may call the USCIS Contact Center and USCIS will verify whether the LPR meets the criteria for receiving an I-94 with an I-551 stamp without requiring an in-person interview. The officer will consider whether the LPR's identity can be confirmed, the LPR is able to receive UPS or FedEx express mail at their address, and the LPR has a useable photo in USCIS's systems.

A Tax Alert prepared by EY Law LLP, and attached below, provides additional details.



Full text of Tax Alert

Document ID: 2023-0533