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March 30, 2023

Canada's federal budget 2023 - 24 discussed

On March 28, federal Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland tabled the 2023—24 budget. This budget focuses on several priorities, including providing targeted inflation relief for Canadians most in need and other affordability measures to support students, seniors, small businesses and the middle class; building more affordable housing; investing in public health care, including implementing the new Canadian Dental Care Plan; and making significant investments to support Canada's transition to a clean economy while also supporting the creation of good jobs for Canadians. The minister anticipates deficits of $43.0 billion for fiscal 2022—23 and $40.1 billion for 2023—24, with reduced deficits for each of the next four years.

A Tax Alert prepared by EY Canada, and attached below, provides additional details.


Full text of Tax Alert