03 April 2023

State corporate income and franchise tax developments in the first quarter of 2023

This Tax Alert provides a summary of the significant legislative, administrative and judicial actions that affected US state and local income/franchise and other business taxes for the first quarter of 2023. These developments are compiled from the EY Indirect/State Tax Weekly and Indirect/State Tax Alerts issued during that period.

Highlights include:

  • A summary of legislative developments in Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia
  • A summary of judicial developments in Wisconsin
  • A summary of administrative developments in Arizona, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin
  • A discussion of state tax items to watch in Arizona, Georgia, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma and Virginia


Contact Information
For additional information concerning this Alert, please contact:
State and Local Taxation Group
   • Karen Currie (karen.currie@ey.com)
   • Jess Morgan (jessica.morgan@ey.com)
   • Keith Anderson (keith.anderson02@ey.com)
   • Karen Ryan (karen.ryan@ey.com)
   • John Heithaus (john.heithaus@ey.com)
   • Dan Lipton (daniel.lipton@ey.com)
   • Breen Schiller (breen.schiller@ey.com)
   • Scott Roberti (Scott.Roberti@ey.com)
   • Rebecca Bertothy (rebecca.bertothy@ey.com)

Published by NTD’s Tax Technical Knowledge Services group; Jennifer A Brittenham, legal editor


First quarter 2023 state corporate income/franchise tax developments

Document ID: 2023-0648