15 August 2023 New Zealand's Inland Revenue Department announces 2022 tax governance work results, further program expansion
During a 31 July 2023 webinar for members of the tax profession, New Zealand's Inland Revenue (IR) provided an update on its tax governance program of work. During the webinar, the IR described results of its 2021 and 2022 work on tax governance with some of New Zealand's larger companies and shared plans on how it will expand its program of work in 2023 and 2024. The IR collected data on the overall state of tax governance in New Zealand by sampling large taxpayers from two groups in 2021 and 2022, asking them to complete a tax governance questionnaire:
The IR's tax governance questionnaire is made up of 10 simple Yes/No questions, plus one free text box that was used to collect any other contextual information. Unlike detailed questionnaires used by tax authorities in many other countries, the IR's tax governance questionnaire does not ask a series of questions on how a company manages each tax type.
Upon completion and prior to submission to the IR, the questionnaire had to be signed by the company's Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or most senior tax manager, demonstrating the IR's expectation that company management takes responsibility for tax governance implementation. Introducing results of its 2022 questionnaire process, the IR noted that the topic of tax governance is trending upward internationally and that its preference is to foster an environment of mutual trust and cooperation on the topic. A broader aim of the IR, it noted, has been to raise visibility, at the executive level within companies, of the importance of tax governance, ensuring attention is paid to the topic and thus raising the overall standard of tax governance in New Zealand. Regarding the results of the 2022 questionnaire process, the IR remarked that in 2022 the questionnaire was sent to 279 SEs (approximately 25% of the total SE population), up from 143 in 2021, a 95% increase. To provide companies with some form of benchmark and evolutionary model within which they can measure progress, the IR also provides a maturity model against which they map the 2022 results. The four stages of the maturity model are:
Providing more context around each category of letter, the IR noted that taxpayers to whom "No further action" letters were issued tended to have robust documented processes in place that are kept current, and board-level engagement/reporting also tends to be the norm. Respondents assessed as being at this stage totaled 39% — in effect, meeting the "established" level of the IR maturity model. Where "Watchlist" letters where issued, the IR noted that most responses demonstrated some good practices, but these were not yet systematically implemented and institutionalized. In these cases, SEs generally acknowledged that some improvements were needed. These SEs have been required to prove to the IR, under a defined timeline, that their governance processes have been improved. Common areas requiring improvement (which the IR refers to as "work-ons") include better documentation of tax strategy and tax control frameworks, more regular testing and updating of tax controls, and more reporting to company boards. The companies on the watch-list must provide a copy of their Tax Strategy and Tax Control Framework to IR, before receiving a closure letter from IR. The actions to be taken by the IR in regard to the "Unsatisfactory" letters issued to 11 taxpayers were not discussed but are likely to include further review or audit and a more detailed set of required actions around improving tax governance that the taxpayer(s) will be required to carry out. Over both the 2021 and 2022 questionnaire campaigns, the majority (57%) of respondents were assessed at the "Watchlist" level, which equates to meeting the "Progressing" step of the tax governance maturity model, says the IR. Applying the maturity model, the overall current state of SE tax governance sits between the "progressing" and "established" steps, according to the IR. During the webinar, the IR noted that it had very recently written to all SEs not covered to date, setting out its continuing expectations regarding tax governance and including a copy of the questionnaire. This brings the total number of SEs covered to around 1,200, up from 143 since 2021. Importantly, this questionnaire was sent to the remaining SEs on a voluntary basis, and the remaining SE population is under no legal obligation to return it to the IR. The same process will apply in 2024, notes the IR. While the IR recognizes that developing a full tax governance process takes time (the IR uses the figure of six months), the scrutiny of tax strategy and tax control frameworks will become a common practice in future SE compliance reviews and audits, starting in 2024. If deficiencies are identified through these reviews, taxpayers should expect to experience more serious consequences because they have already been alerted that this is a key IR focus area. Conversely, if adjustments arise as a result of future IR compliance activities, the adequacy of tax governance will feature in penalty considerations. The IR suggests that all SEs conduct a self-assessment of their current state of tax governance using the questionnaire to inform next steps. New Zealand's growing efforts on tax governance are indicative of a wider push by tax authorities around the world to increase their focus on tax governance. Many national tax authorities are now introducing new tax governance programs, while other countries are expanding the scope of existing programs. Generally speaking, these programs have two aims. The first is to encourage companies to adopt more robust tax governance approaches; the second is to allow tax authorities to more accurately rate companies in low- and not-low categories of tax risk, allocating their tax audit and review resources accordingly. With so many national tax authorities now embracing the testing of tax governance, multinational companies should make a global assessment of existing programs in the markets in which they operate. They should then develop a global tax governance strategy, defining how they will meet each mandatory program, as well as identifying the voluntary programs in which they may plan to participate. That strategy should include prioritizing an order for participation and establishing a plan for localizing any necessary roles, policies, procedures and controls. Further, companies should consider using platform-based technology tools for the central management of tax controls, including their periodic testing, remediation and documentation.
1 See also https://www.ird.govt.nz/about-us/who-we-are/organisation-structure/significant-enterprises Document ID: 2023-1403 | |