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January 31, 2024

UK announces timelines for its five-point immigration plan

On 4 December 2023, the UK government announced a five-point plan to make its immigration policy “fair, legal and sustainable.” On 30 January 2024, the Minister of State for Legal Migration and the Border set out the timeline for these changes. The upcoming changes will most significantly impact employers recruiting for roles below the new minimum Skilled Worker threshold and those running graduate programs throughout the UK, where there may be regional variations in pay. In preparation, employers may: (a) conduct an impact analysis looking at roles, business service lines, geographies impacted; (b) communicate and manage changes for the business and impacted employees; (c) assess budgets and the impact on costs for their immigration and mobility programs from 2024 onwards.

A Tax Alert prepared by EY's People Advisory Services group, and attached below, provides additional details.

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Full text of Tax Alert