| A weekly summary of the top weekly tax news, trends and developments in the Americas | |
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| This week's tax news from the Americas - Canada releases legislative details on proposed changes to capital gains tax rules
On 10 June 2024, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland tabled a notice of ways and means motion (NWMM) to implement the increase in the capital gains inclusion rate, which was announced in the 2024 federal budget (Budget 2024) but was not part of Bill C-69, Budget Implementation Act, 2024, No. 1. The proposed rules on the capital gains inclusion rate are generally effective on or after 25 June 2024. Transition rules would apply for tax years starting before 25 June 2024 and ending after 25 June 2024.
- OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework releases documents on Pillar One Amount B and Pillar Two
On 17 June 2024, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) released a series of documents on the Pillar One Amount B approach for transfer pricing for certain baseline marketing and distribution transactions and the Pillar Two global minimum tax rules. The two Amount B documents list the jurisdictions that are (1) qualified for specified adjustments to the calculations under the Amount B approach; and (2) covered by the political commitment of Inclusive Framework member jurisdictions to respect the outcome of their jurisdictions’ application of Amount B. The two Pillar Two documents consist of an additional agreed Administrative Guidance document and a brief Q&A document with information on the peer review process for determining the qualified status of the Global Anti-Base Erosion rules of implementing jurisdictions.
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| This week's newsletters | | |
| This week's tax treaty news from the Americas - Colombia and Luxembourg: income and capital tax treaty signed
- Colombia and United Arab Emirates: comprehensive economic partnership agreement signed
- Curacao and Malta: draft bill for Curaçao-Malta Income Tax Treaty approved by Dutch lower house
- Guatemala and Panama: memorandum of understanding on mutual assistance in customs matters signed
- United States and Romania: administrative arrangement to social security agreement approved by Romanian government
- United States and Russia: formal notice given to Russia by the United States of the suspension of specific provisions of the US-Russia Tax Treaty and its accompanying protocol
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| Upcoming EY webcasts A calendar of all upcoming EY webcasts is available. | | |
| Recent EY podcasts All episodes of the EY Cross-Border Taxation Spotlight and EY Talks Tax are available through Apple podcasts. | | |
| This week's EY Global Tax Alerts Africa Asia Europe Middle East | | |
| This week's EY Industry publications Automotive & Transportation Technology | | |
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Comments. If you have any questions or suggestions about this newsletter, please email Global Tax News Update Help at: globaltaxnewsupdatehelp@ey.com. | |
| About Americas Tax Roundup Published by NTD's Tax Technical Knowledge Services Group, Washington, D.C. Jennifer Brittenham, writer and editor Distributed weekly to all Americas Tax personnel. | |