11 December 2024 EU Member States adopt the Directive on Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes (FASTER) - On 10 December 2024, the European Union (EU) Member States adopted the Directive on Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes. The adopted text is aligned with the political agreement by the Member States in May 2024.
- EU Member States have until 31 December 2028 to transpose the Directive into national law; the rules will apply, at the latest, from 1 January 2030.
- The Directive includes three key components: (i) a common EU digital tax residence certificate; (ii) a choice between, or combination of, a "relief at source" system and a "quick refund" system; and (iii) standardized reporting.
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During the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) meeting on 10 December 2024, the Council of the EU (i.e., the EU Member States) adopted the Directive setting forth rules that aim to make withholding tax (WHT) procedures in the EU more efficient and secure for investors, financial intermediaries and Member States (the Directive or FASTER). A political agreement on FASTER, reached under the Belgian Presidency on 14 May 2024,1 included several amendments made during the negotiations of the European Commission's (the Commission) original proposal.2 As a result, the European Parliament needed to be reconsulted for a second (nonbinding) opinion, which it provided on 14 November 2024. In addition, a legal-linguistic review was required. The final compromise text, released on 29 November 2024, and formally adopted by the Council on 10 December 2024, includes only legal-linguistic revisions and clarifications, with no substantial changes. The Directive outlines the following key provisions: - The Member State of residence shall issue digital tax residence certificates (eTRCs) to individuals and corporate entities within 14 calendar days of their eTRC request.
- Under certain conditions, Member States should choose between a "relief at source" procedure and a "quick refund" system, or a combination of both, for WHT on dividends from publicly traded shares and, where applicable, interest from publicly traded bonds.
- A new standardized reporting process imposes common reporting obligations on certain financial intermediaries involved in the payment chain.
EU Member States have until 31 December 2028 to transpose the Directive into national legislation, with the rules applicable from 1 January 2030. In June 2023, the Commission published the legislative proposal for FASTER, and launched a public consultation, inviting public input on the proposal in the form of open comments to be submitted by 14 August 2023. (EY submitted a comment letter, which can be accessed here). EU Member States began negotiations on the draft Directive in the third quarter of 2023, with the European Parliament providing its initial nonbinding opinion on 28 February 2024. As discussions progressed, a political consensus on FASTER was achieved on 14 May 2024. The resulting significant alterations necessitated a second nonbinding opinion from the European Parliament. Highlights of the now-adopted final compromise text follow. The final version of the adopted Directive contains only legal-linguistic revisions and clarifications, with no substantial changes compared to the compromise text of 14 May 2024. The three key actions introduced by the Directive are summarized below. - Digital tax residence certificate
The Directive introduces an eTRC, which Member States are to issue through an automated process to individuals or entities deemed to be residents in their jurisdiction for tax purposes. The eTRC should be issued within 14 calendar days after the submission of the request for its issuance, and it covers a period equal to the calendar or fiscal year for which it is issued. However, Member States can revoke an eTRC if the tax administration has evidence that the individual or entity is not a tax resident for all or part of that period. Member States should recognize an eTRC issued by another Member State as adequate proof of a taxpayer's residence in that other Member State. To facilitate this, the Commission is expected to adopt implementing acts with standard computerized forms and technical protocols for the issuance of an eTRC. - Relief systems
The Directive introduces a standardized WHT relief procedure, which is mandatory for dividends from publicly traded shares and optional for interest payments on publicly traded bonds. This procedure applies only when the entity making the payments is tax resident in an EU Member State. Member States can choose between the following two relief systems, or a combination of both: - "Relief at source" procedure: The tax rate is applied at the time the dividends or interest is paid and is based directly on the applicable rules of the double taxation treaty or domestic tax law provisions.
- "Quick refund" procedure: The initial payment is made considering the maximum WHT rate of the source state, but the refund for any overpaid taxes is granted within 60 days of the date of payment.
Member States will have the option to maintain their current procedures, and not apply a standardized WHT relief procedure, if they already provide a "comprehensive relief-at-source system" and their market capitalization ratio, as set out in the four latest publications by European Securities and Markets Authority available on 31 December 2028, is less than 1.5% for at least one of the four consecutive years. "Market capitalization ratio" means the ratio expressed as a percentage of the market capitalization of a Member State on 31 December to the overall market capitalization of the EU on 31 December, in a given year. If this ratio is exceeded for four consecutive years, all rules foreseen by the Directive will become irrevocably applicable regardless of whether the market capitalization ratio falls below the threshold at any later time. In such cases, Member States will have five years to transpose the rules of the Directive into national law. A "comprehensive relief-at-source system" refers to a system that is applied by a Member State and meets specific conditions outlined in the Directive. These conditions include that the Member State: - Provides access to relief to any natural person or entity that is entitled to relief, according to national rules of the source Member State or a double tax treaty (Recital 5 of the Directive clarifies that the national relief-at-source system should not only legally allow for relief but also ensure that such relief is "de facto granted" to taxpayers who are entitled to it.)
- Grants relief on the payment date, except for failure to report the information required by the Member State providing the relief
- Has a relief-at-source system that provides access to both direct and indirect investments and aligns with the exclusions under Article 11(2) of the Directive
- Requires no additional information or obligations beyond Articles 12, 13, and 15 of the Directive
- Has laid down rules on liability for the loss of withholding tax revenue and effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties applicable to infringements of national provisions on that relief-at-source system
Even if the exemption above does not apply, Member States can still restrict the use of relief-at-source or quick refund procedures in cases of elevated risk of tax fraud and abuse. Article 11(2) of the Directive lists situations in which Member States have the discretion to reject relief requests and conduct further checks, stating as follows: - the dividend has been paid on a publicly traded share that the registered owner acquired in a transaction carried out within a period of five days before the ex-dividend date;3
- the dividend payment on the underlying security for which relief is requested is linked to a financial arrangement that has not been settled, expired or otherwise terminated before the ex-dividend date;
- at least one of the financial intermediaries in the securities payment chain is not a certified financial intermediary (CFI) and no CFI has assumed the position of that financial intermediary;
- an exemption of the withholding tax is claimed;
- a reduced withholding tax rate not deriving from double tax treaties is claimed;
- the dividend payment exceeds a gross amount of at least €100k, per registered owner and per payment date.
With regard to point (f), the Directive further clarifies that the amount shall be determined based on the gross dividend amount for each investor holding equity in a collective investment undertaking4 when this underlying investor is entitled to relief under the indirect investments provisions of the Directive. Furthermore, the Directive provides that point (f) will not apply if the entity entitled to the relief of excess WHT is either a: - Statutory pension scheme of a Member State or an institution for occupational retirement provision registered or authorized in a Member State
- Collective investment in transferable securities or an alternative investment fund (AIF) established in the EU, or an AIF managed by an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) established in the EU
It is also worth noting that the final Directive has not provided a self-contained definition of beneficial ownership. Instead, Article 12 of the Directive provides that the registered owner5 shall declare, when required by the source Member State, that they are the beneficial owner in accordance with national legislation of the source Member State or a double tax treaty, where applicable. Standardized reporting obligation Member States will be required to establish a national register of CFIs containing information such as the name and date of registration of the financial intermediary. Large EU financial intermediaries (as defined in Regulation (EU) No 575/2013) will be required to join the register, which will also be open to non-EU and smaller EU financial intermediaries on a voluntary basis. The national register will be made publicly accessible on the European Certified Financial Intermediary Portal referred to in Article 6 of the Directive (the Portal) and updated at least once a month. According to the Directive, Member States should then require CFIs in their national register to report the payment of dividends or interest to the relevant tax administration so that tax administration can trace the transaction. Aimed at tackling abusive transactions, the reportable data elements also include information regarding the holding period or whether the income payment is connected to certain financial arrangements. The information to be reported is included in Annex II of the Directive. The reporting will take place via a standardized XML format scheme that will be set out in an implementing act to be adopted by the Commission. Member States should also require CFIs in their national register to retain the documentation supporting the information reported for 10 years and to provide access to any other information and to their premises for the purpose of audit. The Directive emphasizes that CFIs should "take reasonable measures" to perform due diligence checks "in good faith." The Directive also states that CFIs can be held liable for WHT losses if they fail to comply with core provisions. Penalties, determined by Member States, must be "effective, proportionate, and dissuasive." Following adoption of the Directive by the Member States, the final version will be published in the Official Journal of the EU. EU Member States should transpose the provisions of the Directive into their national laws by 31 December 2028. This means that Member States may implement the rules earlier if they choose. It is expected that the Commission will work on guidance to further explain how certain terms and requirements should be interpreted. The Directive introduces a standardized eTRC process to replace the varied and time-consuming paper-based processes in many Member States. Establishing a common EU-wide system for WHT on certain dividend and interest payments is expected to positively affect the functioning of cross-border capital markets. Asset-servicing organizations that typically provide WHT services to clients, such as custodian banks, are expected to also be significantly affected. These organizations will need to understand the impact on their business model, liability and client relations. CFIs need to manage their new compliance risks and fulfill their obligations, especially in verifying information when conducting due diligence. Further, the short timeframe for CFIs to raise a quick refund application puts pressure on their systems and capabilities. Member States have until the end of 2028 to introduce the provisions, but they can implement the rules earlier, meaning the reporting requirements and processes could come into force sooner. This early adoption could lead to varying implementation timelines. Thus, businesses and investors should closely monitor the adoption of these rules by EU Member States and the operational details provided by the Commission through implementing acts. * * * * * * * * * * | Endnotes1 See EY Global Tax Alert, EU Member States reach political agreement on Directive on Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes (FASTER), dated 14 May 2024. 2 See EY Global Tax Alert, European Commission publishes draft Directive on Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes (FASTER), dated 20 June 2023. 3 According to the Directive, Article 3, point 23, "'ex-dividend date' means the date from which the shares are traded without the rights derived from the shares, including the right to participate and vote in a general meeting, where relevant." 4 According to the Directive, Article 3, point 7, "'collective investment undertaking' means a UCITS [(undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities)], an EU AIF or an alternative investment fund managed by an EU AIFM, or any other collective investment vehicle that, based on the national rules of the source Member State or on a double tax treaty, is entitled to relief of excess withholding tax, or a collective investment vehicle of which the underlying investors are entitled to such relief that can be requested on their behalf, except such collective investment vehicles that are, or whose manager or depositary is, established in a third country listed in Annex I to the Council conclusions on the revised EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes or in Table I of the Annex to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1675." 5 According to the Directive, Article 3, point 20, "'registered owner' means any natural person or entity that is entitled to receive dividends or interest from securities subject to tax withheld at source in a Member State as the holder of the securities on the record date, without prejudice to the adjustments to transactions pending settlement that could be made in accordance with the national rules of the source Member State, and that is not a financial intermediary acting for the account of others with respect to those dividends or interest." | * * * * * * * * * * | Contact Information | For additional information concerning this Alert, please contact: Ernst & Young Belastingadviseurs BV, Rotterdam EY Société d'Avocats, France Ernst & Young Belastingadviseurs BV, Amsterdam EY Belgium Ernst & Young SA, Porto EY UK | Published by NTD’s Tax Technical Knowledge Services group; Carolyn Wright, legal editor |
Document ID: 2024-2264 |