20 December 2024 Friday, January 10 | Final and proposed regulations under Section 987 What you need to know (1 pm ET) Recently released final and proposed regulations under Section 987 providing guidance for determining income and currency gain or loss for certain qualified business units (QBUs) would generally apply for tax years beginning after December 31, 2024. These regulations will generally require companies to engage in significant analysis, data gathering, and detailed transitional computations.
Registration: Register for this event. Colleen Zeller, Partner, National Tax — International Tax and Transaction Services, Ernst & Young LLP CPE credit offered: up to 1.2 depending on duration. Recommended field of study: Taxes. Learning objective: Identify key elements of the Section 987 regulations, analyze transition considerations and assess various alternatives that are available, as well as rules on the computation of unrecognized gain or loss and recognition of suspended losses. This intermediate level, group internet-based course has no prerequisites or advanced preparation. Final CPE award to be based on content, polling and length of participation. See CPE FAQ for more information. EY webcast managed and produced by Ernst & Young LLP's Tax Technical Knowledge Services Group, Washington, DC: Lynn Fairfax | lynn.fairfax@ey.com and Barbara Kirchheimer | barbara.kirchheimer@ey.com You can learn about and register for any EY Tax webcast here. Document ID: 2024-2366 |